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Showing posts from 2017


Driving at Beaulieu Motor Museum and a sunny day on the beach at last!

Windy fun in Milford on Sea

Bit too windy to be by the sea!

First day at Junior School - All grown up!

Last night in Deal

Out for dinner at the Royal Hotel to celebrate the last night of our epic two location holiday! Krakow and Deal.

Cycling again

Once again seated in a bike buggy we headed to Sandwich Bay and had our sandwiches!

Broadstairs day trip

Having fun on the beach in Broadstairs with some new friends......


Onto our second holiday - out and about exploring Deal Castle!

Fun in a Krakow park #2

And after the air hockey there was time for candy floss and an opportunity to look like a nun!

Fun in a Krakow park #1

Lots of extreme sports this morning

Hanging with the Cousins

Had a great time today hanging out with the cousins and the cousins' cousins!

Around Krakow

Orla bought Rosie in Krakow 2 years ago - so we thought we'd show her around her home town!

By The Lake

Fantastic day at the lake. Orla didn't get out of the water for 7 hours and has now realised she is part mermaid! - she's the one floating on the green croc!

Out and about!

32Degs mean that we have to move slowly and have lots of rests! Drinks and UNO in The Squarevand finally some decent food after all the Polish nonsense - bought a cheese roll but had egg, tomato, lettuce and onion in as well! You know where you are with  a Maccas!

Krakow Boat Trip

Had a great time hanging out on a boat on the river in Krakow - just the kids on one boat and all the adults on the other one - and walking hand in hand with my friend Olivia!

Fun in Krakow

We had lots of fun in the square last night  hanging with my cousins. Ended up walking home at 1am having chips to give me some energy!