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Showing posts from 2014

First Outing!

First time out on the new bike - struggled going up hill!

Check out my new bike!

Thank you Father Christmas :)

Merry Christmas

From the silly Reindeer girls x

It's gonna be a cheeky Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

From Orla xx (At beautiful historic country house Polsden Lacey by the way...our house not quite so gold!)

Let It Go!

Lovely little Elsa, off to the party......

Christmas Star!

A very shiny star at the Christmas nativity play

Happy Halloween!

Not the scariest witch in the world - but we think she might be the cutest!

My first day at big school!

The Zoo

Having fun at Taronga Zoo with Andy and Poppy.

Sydney 2014

The story so far! I'm particularly enjoying the chocolately Babyccino!

Me and my cousins

Had a lovely day hanging with my cousins and having a picnic!

Last Day at nursery!

Two gorgeous blondies heading down to nursery for the last morning - big school starts in September.

Orla or mummy?!

This game is getting harder to play!

Rock and Roll!

Got myself a guitar and gonna rock the world!

It's summer...yippee!!!


Being a cat..yet again! :)

Fairy in the woods

Artist in the making...

After a busy messy morning at nursery, what's the first thing I want to do when I get home? Paint!! Yep, mum was really happy with that idea too! :)

Time to explore!

Teddy bear (and penguin) picnic

Enjoying the sunshine while we can :)

Hello, Hello, Hello.......

Meeting a friendly policeman and trying on his hat!

Little angel!

Lovely Weekend!

My friend Ellie came for a sleepover. We loved our Elsa dresses! It took us a long time to get to sleep though as we were soooooo excited!

Face painting & crafting

I am in heaven at Eleanor's party! :)


Here I am with my very talented cousins who just did some fantastic Polish dancing - brilliant!


Today I am a going to be a little kitten called ruby.

My 4th birthday party.

I had a pirate party for my 4th birthday. Nine friends came and we had lots of games and a lovely pirate cake that mummy and daddy made for me.........

Fell over!

Fell over at the Tower of London and scrapped my knee. Fortunately a beefeater looked after me and gave me a plaster!

Lovely Olivia!

Baby Olivia loves coming everywhere with me - even to B and Q! Thank you Grandad and Penny for my early birthday present!

What a poser!

I just can't help posing for the camera - just point a camera at me and I'll strike a pose!