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Showing posts from November, 2011

Why have they put socks on my hands?

I just don't understand mittens

Brrr it's now getting cold...

Another use for the nappy box!

Orla and doll doll on the slide

Yeah! Lots of fun in the park today!

Crafty Sunday afternoon

Messy play time!

Please sir, may I have some more?

Sydney here we come

Booked our Easter holiday to Sydney today! Yippee can't wait to see Poppy, Grandma, all my aunties, uncles and cousins and everyone else in Sydney


These boots were made for walking...

Just trying on mummy's ugg boots, perhaps they are just a little bit big?!

Yum yum!

Guess where I go on a Sunday morning for all my storage solutions? PS: this is my second breakfast of the day!

Bath time with doll doll

Luckily she is waterproof!

Ready for splish splash

Mummy taking me to the pool

Fashion forward

Today's outfit supplied by the lovely Aunty Carola (dress) and aunty Di (tights). Thank you so much!